REV Mobilities is a company with an ecological and economic mission which is on the rise commercially and whose financial needs are constant.
We have welcomed the bank Credit Mutuel Arkéa and more than 300 investors since the creation of the company in 2020.
As we are currently fundraising, any participation is welcome.
Do you want to invest in REV*?
Are you already an investor?
We are at your complete disposal to discuss.
REV Mobilities is an impact driven company with a 'manufacturer' mission, the French leader in electric and hydrogen retrofits in the largest automotive segments:
- Individuals with RETROFUTURE for classic and old cars,
- Pros, craftsmen and utility fleets with REV Professional and REV Fleet
- Buses and trucks with REV Bus&Truck and construction machinery with REV Offroad
It is one of the most immediate and common sense solutions to decarbonize mobility, responsible each year for 130 million tons of greenhouse gases in France, billions of tons worldwide and save money daily.
Our Parisian company (with a subsidiary REV Bus&Truck, and offices in Bordeaux, Lyon and in Germany) is on the rise with a commercial pipeline of more than:
- 3,000 vehicles (for clients such as Sapian, Artisans, logistics carriers, old vehicles and more and more Calls for Tenders from communities and cities)
- 500 kits abroad,
- for a total as of October 2023 > 150 million Euros.
An ambitious product plan to expand to more than 50 different models in 5 years, production of 4,000 retrofit conversions in 2025 then 8,000 from 2026 thanks to a completely controlled supply chain, creating more than 250 jobs.
Here is our Business Plan:
And the “carbon” benefits that we are not counting today but that we will sell on the regulated market from 2024-2025.
In order to finance our hyper-growth, our investment needs are constant. Currently fundraising, we invite you to join us.
For example, we have welcomed more than 300 angel investors since 2020 and 2022. We would be delighted to increase to 3,000!
Do you want to invest in REV*?
You can benefit from up to 25% of the amount invested in reduction of your 2023 income taxes*
We are at your complete disposal to discuss.
To obtain the investor deck:
Arnaud Pigounides
* Please note, investing in companies carries a risk of loss (total or partial) of the capital invested.
Are you a French tax resident individual investor subject to Income Tax (IR)? In this case, the IR-PME and PEA-PME schemes are interesting solutions for tax relief. By investing in the capital of French VSEs and SMEs, you can benefit from tax assistance, which can go up to 25% of the amount in reduction of your income tax.