Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Latest update: July 31th, 2023 

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “T&C”) shall apply to all Vote with Option and, where applicable, Orders offered by REV VEHICLES, a simplified joint-stock company with single shareholder and capital of €466,766, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 914 497 011, with registered office at 96 rue de Lourmel - 75015 Paris assisting REV MOBILITIES in its operations (hereinafter “REV VEHICLES”) to serve any Individual or Business Customer (hereinafter the “Customer”) on its website <www.rev-mobilities.com> (hereinafter the “ Website”).

The Customer may also approach REV VEHICLES on the Website to order an Retrofit or Electric Conversion off the Website. Any order placed via this specific sales channel shall be governed by specific Terms and Conditions separate from these T&C. Mere contact between the Customer and REV VEHICLES in this regard shall not be construed as a Retrofit / Electric Conversion order.

The REV VEHICLES Customer Service Department can be contacted as follows: 

  • Either directly on the Website via the contact form 
  • Or by email: clientservice@rev-mobilities.com
  • Or by post: REV VEHICLES, 96 rue de Lourmel – 75015 Paris;  


By confirming the Vote with Option on the Website and, where applicable, the Order, the Customer unrestrictedly and unreservedly accepts these T&C which the Customer acknowledges having read and understood. Should the Customer decline all or part of any of the provisions of these T&C, the Customer is hereby requested to refrain from making a Vote with Option on the Website and, where applicable, from placing an Order. 

These T&C can be accessed at all times on the Website and shall prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other conflicting document on the same subject, unless otherwise specified in these T&C. 



Terms beginning with an upper case letter and used in these T&C shall bear the following meaning, whether used in the singular or plural:

Purchase Order”: The document issued upon confirmation of the Order by the Customer, summarizing the characteristics of the Order, including inter alia the purpose, price and estimated delivery date of the Order. In the event of any contradiction or inconsistency between the provisions on the Purchase Order and those of these T&C, the provisions of the Purchase Order shall prevail.

T&C”: These Terms and Conditions applicable to any Vote with Option made on the Website and, where applicable, any Order placed. 

Customer”: Any Individual or Business Customer making a Booking with Option on the Website and, where applicable, placing an Order.  

Individual Customer”: Any person making a Booking with Option on the Website and, where applicable, placing an Order, for purely non-business-related purposes.

Business Customer”: Any person making a Booking with Option on the Website and, where applicable, placing an Order, for purely business-related purposes.

Order”: The operation whereby which the Customer confirms his/her readiness to purchase a retrofit /  Electric Conversion Service, for which a Booking with Option had been made earlier pursuant to the terms and conditions laid down in these T&C, in order to have it performed on an eligible internal combustion engine (or ICE) vehicle.

Certification”: The action whereby which the competent authority authorizes a retrofit / Electric Conversion Service to be performed on an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, pursuant to the Order of 13 March 2020 laying down the terms and conditions for converting ICE vehicles to battery electric or fuel cell electric engines or any other statutory or regulatory provision that replaces, supplements or complements it.

Master Production Schedule”: The tentative schedule drawn up by REV VEHICLES to deliver the retrofit / Electric Conversion, which is set according to the chronological order of Bookings with Option and, where applicable, Orders placed, as well as the production capacities of REV VEHICLES-certified workshops. Once a Vote with Option is confirmed by the Customer, it is assigned a provisional space on the Master Production Schedule, which will only be finalized if the Customer subsequently converts the Booking with Option to an Order, as the case may be. 

Retrofit (or Electric Conversion Service): Conversion of an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle into an electric motor vehicle, including the sale and installation of a new battery or fuel cell electric drive system on an eligible ICE vehicle.

Vote with Booking Option”: The operation whereby the Customer has a vote / option for a retrofit /  Electric Conversion to be performed on a model of internal combustion engine vehicle that has not received any Certification on the date of the Booking with Option and for which Homologation is not guaranteed, such that REV VEHICLES pledges to offer the Customer, as a priority, the possibility of placing an Order for the said Electric Conversion should Certification be ultimately obtained. 

Website”: The website <www.rev-mobilities.com> operated by REV VEHICLES.

Vote”: The request for Homologation submitted by the Customer to REV VEHICLES for an internal combustion engine vehicle model to be eligible for Electric Conversion. The option follows a vote with Option.  



The photographs and graphics relating to the Retrofit (Electric Conversion) presented on the Website shall not be contractual and, accordingly, REV VEHICLES shall not be held liable for same.

Retrofit (Electric Conversion) refer to the conversion of an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle into an electric motor vehicle, including the sale and installation of a new battery or fuel cell electric drive system on an eligible ICE vehicle. The installation of such a new battery or fuel cell electric drive system involves removing the internal combustion engine, fuel tank, exhaust system and other related mechanical components from the vehicle and replacing them with a new electric drive train comprising an electric motor, battery pack, electronic control unit and any components required for the proper operation of the new battery or fuel cell electric drive system on the vehicle. Where applicable, the vehicle’s mechanical gearbox is also replaced by another automatic transmission system. 

The main specifications of Retrofit for models of internal combustion engine vehicles that have received Homologation, including all the information required by the laws and regulations in force, are available on the Website. Where the Customer is interested in one of these Retrofit the latter is requested to contact REV VEHICLES directly by clicking on the link “Contact us”. Any order placed via this specific sales channel shall be governed by specific general conditions of sale separate from these T&C. Mere contact between the Customer and REV VEHICLES in this regard shall not be construed as a Retrofit. 

In the event of Homologation of the internal combustion engine vehicle model, for a Vote /Booking with Option has been made, the main specifications of the related Retrofit / Electric Conversion, including all the information required by the laws and regulations in force, shall be emailed to the Customer. The Customer shall be required to read this information before converting his/her Vote /Booking with Option into an Order, as the case may be. By placing an Order for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion in this context, the Customer expressly agrees to have his/her internal combustion engine vehicle converted into an electric motor vehicle.

Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall only be offered in mainland France. No Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall be carried out outside this territory.

REV VEHICLES shall be authorized to perform Retrofit / Electric Conversion via its certified workshops solely on internal combustion engines that have received Homologation pursuant to the Order of 13 March 2020 laying down the terms and conditions for converting ICE vehicles to battery electric or fuel cell electric engines or any other statutory or regulatory provision that replaces, supplements or complements it. Otherwise, REV VEHICLES shall not be authorized to have Electric Conversion performed by its certified workshops. 

Besides the Homologation requirement, only vehicles eligible for Retrofit / Electric Conversion may undergo such services, pursuant to the relevant REV VEHICLES policy. To be eligible, the Customer’s vehicle must meet the following cumulative criteria:  

·       The vehicle is not electric, but has a spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engine; 

·       The vehicle belongs to the Customer on the date of the Order; 

·       The vehicle is registered in France in a permanently-established series; 

·       The vehicle is more than five years old; 

·       The vehicle has undergone a technical inspection valid for less than three months from the date of its request for remote vehicle pre-inspection; 

·       The vehicle complies with the REV VEHICLES “Ready For Retrofit” program, which seeks to ensure that the vehicle is in sufficiently good condition to qualify for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. The “Ready For Retrofit” program entails verifying several key criteria on the vehicle on the day it is presented for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, including the following: 

Ø The vehicle must not have been involved in an accident, not have undergone any major transformation and must be as close as possible to its original configuration. Some parts may have been changed or replaced by new and/or equivalent parts; 

Ø Vehicle requiring no repairs to safety components (brakes, suspension, running gear, steering, ESP, etc.); 

Ø Vehicle with a roadworthy chassis and undercarriage, free from any perforating rust; 

Ø Vehicle with bodywork intact, free from any major defects and perforating rust; 

Ø Vehicle with paintwork in good condition, albeit not new. The paintwork may show a slight patina and/or a few minor defects, such as micro-scratches, due to the age of the vehicle; 

Ø Vehicle with a clean interior that may show some signs of wear, particularly on the upholstery, due to the age of the vehicle.


This list may change, depending on the installer’s needs to complete the Retrofit service based on the vehicle conditions. 


The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that his/her vehicle meets the aforementioned eligibility requirements before converting his/her Vote / Booking with Option into an actual Order. Otherwise, REV VEHICLES reserves the right to cancel the Order pursuant to Article 9.2 of these T&C. Should the Customer have any doubts or questions about the eligibility of his/her vehicle, he/she shall be requested to contact REV VEHICLES via the contact details provided in the preamble to these T&C and on the Website.

3.     PRICING

The current price of the Vote /Booking with Option - entitling the Customer to benefit as a priority from the possibility of placing an Order for the related Retrofit / Electric Conversion in the event of Homologation - is the one shown on the Website when the Vote / Booking with Option is confirmed by the Customer. 

At the time of making the Vote / Booking with Option, only an estimate of the price of the related Retrofit / Electric Conversion is provided to the Customer by way of information. The final price of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall be provided to the Customer only in the event of Homologation of the internal combustion engine vehicle model, for which a Vote / Booking with Option has been made, subject to any applicable national and/or regional bonuses, as the case may be.

Prices shall be denominated in euros, both exclusive of tax and inclusive of tax. More specifically, prices shall include value-added tax (VAT) at the applicable rate on the date the Booking with Option is confirmed by the Customer, or the Order is placed, as the case may be. Any change in the applicable rate may have an impact on prices from the effective date of the new rate. The applicable VAT rate shall be expressed as a percentage of the value of the Electric Conversion Service sold or booked with option.

The price specified when the Order is confirmed by the Customer shall be the total amount of the related Retrofit / Electric Conversion. This price shall exclude:  

·       Any costs incurred for dropping off and receiving the Customer’s vehicle for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion; 

·       The price of the vehicle registration certificate (carte grise) to be issued upon completion of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, pursuant to Article R. 322-8 of the French Highway Code (Code de la route), insofar as the change of vehicle engine is considered a significant transformation; 

·       The cost of the technical inspection to be performed on the Customer’s vehicle for it to quality for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, pursuant to Article 3 of these T&C;  

·       Any additional costs incidental to the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, including any administrative costs. 

These shall all be borne solely by the Customer. 


The pricing shall incorporate any discounts offered by REV VEHICLES under the terms and conditions specified on the Website. Any notice of a price reduction (promotions, special offers) shall specify the price charged initially by REV VEHICLES before applying the price reduction, this initial price being defined as the lowest price charged by REV VEHICLES on the Website during the last thirty days prior to applying the price reduction. The prices shown on the Website shall be valid, except in case of gross error.

Prices of suppliers, service providers and partners of REV VEHICLES may be changed. REV VEHICLES reserves the right to change the prices shown on the Website at any time, but agrees to apply the prices in force at the time the Vote / Booking with Option is confirmed by the Customer or the Order is placed, as the case may be. 

Since 1 June 2020, Retrofit or Electric Conversion have been eligible for a bonus paid by the French government, set at the following amounts:


·  Up to €5,000 for a car if the beneficiary is an individual:

Ø  With a reference tax income per unit less than or equal to €7,100;

Ø  With a taxable income per unit less than or equal to €15,400 and a home-to-work distance greater than 30 km, or who drives more than 12,000 km a year in his/her personal vehicle for purely business purposes (the “heavy road user” criteria);


·  €1,500 for a car if the beneficiary is:

Ø  An individual with a taxable income per unit of over €7,100 if not considered a “heavy road user”, or between €15,400 and €24,900;

Ø  A business entity;


·  Up to €9,000 for a van, depending on its weight, for an individual:

Ø  With a reference tax income per unit less than or equal to €7,100;

Ø  With a taxable income per unit less than or equal to €15,400 and a home-to-work distance greater than 30 km, or who drives more than 12,000 km a year in his/her personal vehicle for purely business purposes (the “heavy road user” criteria);


·  Up to €8,000 for a van, depending on its weight, if the beneficiary is:

Ø  An individual with a taxable income per unit of over €7,100 if not considered a “heavy road user”, or between €15,400 and €24,900;

Ø  A business entity;



The vehicle must not be sold within a year of conversion, or before it has traveled at least 6,000 km for a car or van, or 2,000 km for a two- or three-wheeled vehicle or motor quadricycle. 


In the event of an Order and depending on the case, REV VEHICLES may advance the amount of the bonus paid by the French government by deducting this amount from the price payable by the Customer. In this regard, REV VEHICLES may request additional information from the Customer to determine the amount of the applicable government bonus. Where applicable, the Purchase Order and invoices shall be amended to show the government bonus advanced by REV VEHICLES.


In some regions and cities, additional assistance shall be available. Depending on the Customer’s region or metropolis, the Retrofit or Electric Conversion may also entitle the Customer to additional aid over and above the government bonus. The Customer shall be responsible for making the necessary inquiries in order to benefit from such government assistance.


For further information on clean mobility incentives: https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/prime-conversion-bonus-ecologique-toutes-aides-en-faveur-lacquisition-vehicules-propres  


However, vehicles with internal combustion engines that have undergone a Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall not qualify for the ecological bonus.




4.1.   Account creation requirements

In order to finalize a Vote / Booking with Option and subsequently convert it into an Order, the Customer must have an account on the Website. In this regard, the Customer must: 

·       Be of legal age; 

·       Have the required capacity to make a Vote / Booking with Option on the Website and, where applicable, to place an Order; 

·       Fill in the mandatory fields on the account creation form; 

·       Use the Website and the services proposed thereon, pursuant to these T&C, as well as the Website’s GCU


4.2.   Information required to create an account 

To create an account on the Website, the Customer must fill in the mandatory fields on the account creation form. Mandatory fields shall be indicated by an asterisk (*). 

The Customer shall vouch that the information provided when creating an account on the Website is true and accurate. For further information on the use of their personal information by REV VEHICLES, Customers are requested to read the Privacy policy

Once the account has been created, a summary email is sent to the email address given by the Customer in the account creation form. This email address shall be used by REV VEHICLES when it wishes to communicate electronically with the Customer. 

4.3.   Security of logins and passwords

The use of a strong password shall be a vital requirement for protecting the account. The Customer must choose a password that complies with the REV VEHICLES security requirements, made up of alphanumeric characters comprising at least eight characters, including three special characters (upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters).

The login and password shall be personal, confidential, and not transferable to third parties. The Customer must guarantee the confidentiality and security of these, and immediately request REV VEHICLES to reset the password in the event of loss, forgetfulness and/or theft. REV VEHICLES shall not be held liable for any use of the account by a third party that may have had access to the Customer’s login and/or password, for any reason whatsoever.

REV VEHICLES reserves the right, at any time and subject to giving prior notice to the Customer, to modify or delete a login and/or password if they are considered unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, obscene or if they infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, these T&C or the Website’s GCU.


5.1.   Selecting the Retrofit / Electric Conversion offered for Vote / Booking with Option

From among the internal combustion engine vehicle models presented on the Website, for which no Homologation has been obtained or is in progress, the Customer shall select the internal combustion engine vehicle model for which he/she wishes to have a Vote / Booking with Option for a Retrofit / Electric Conversion to be performed, so that REV VEHICLES can undertakes to offer him/her as a priority the possibility of placing an Order for the said Retrofit / Electric Conversion, should Homologation be subsequently obtained. 


The current price of the Vote / Booking with Option is that presented on the Website.  

Once the internal combustion engine vehicle has been selected, the Customer shall also access a general description of the planned Retrofit / Electric Conversion, as well as an estimated price of the planned Retrofit /Electric Conversion. The final price of the Retrofit shall be provided to the Customer only in the event of Homologation of the internal combustion engine vehicle model, for which a Booking with Option has been made, subject to any applicable national and/or regional bonuses, as the case may be.

From this page, the Customer can confirm the booking with Option by clicking on the “VOTE” button. The Vote / Booking with Option shall then be placed in the Customer’s virtual basket.

The Booking with Option shall represent a Vote in favor of the model of internal combustion engine vehicle selected in this respect. Accordingly, the Vote / Booking with Option shall be proposed on the Website, so that REV VEHICLES can assess the demand that may exist for internal combustion engine vehicle models that do not require Homologation, in order to help it in its choice of Homologation requests.

The Customer shall be notified that the Booking with Option and the Vote: 

·       Offer no commitment or guarantee regarding the Homologation of the related internal combustion engine vehicle model; 

·       In no way oblige REV VEHICLES to apply for Homologation with respect to the related internal combustion engine vehicle model. REV VEHICLES shall be completely free to choose the internal combustion engine vehicle model for which it shall seek Homologation;  

·       Offer no commitment or guarantee that the Vote / Booking with Option shall be converted into an Order, as the case may be.

5.2.   Vote / Booking with Option summary 

Once the Vote / Booking with Option has been confirmed, the Customer shall be requested to check the Booking with Option before confirming it. In this regard, the Customer shall access the Vote / Booking with Option summary, showing the details of the Booking with Option, as well as its total price, representing the priority the Customer shall be entitled to in the event of Homologation of the related internal combustion engine vehicle model, should he/she wish to convert his/her Vote / Booking with Option into an Order, as the case may be. 

Before confirming the Vote / Booking with Option, the Customer shall be responsible for correcting any errors.  

The Customer shall then have the possibility to: 

·       Either confirm his/her Vote / Booking with Option by clicking on the “Proceed to checkout” 

·       Save the Vote / Booking with Option on the Website for [30] days, in order to retrieve it later, without confirming it immediately. 

·       Or terminate the Vote / Booking with Option process before its finalization by leaving the Website or continuing to browse the Website freely. 


5.3.   Confirming the Vote / Booking with Option

Confirming the Vote / Booking with Option shall imply full acceptance of the T&C in their entirety and serve as proof of conclusion of the preliminary agreement between the Customer and REV VEHICLES. Accordingly, this second click shall be considered as an electronic signature. This signature shall be binding on the Customer in the same way as a handwritten signature, pursuant to Article 20 of these T&C. 

This is a Vote / Booking with Option with payment obligation, thereby meaning that confirmation of the Vote / Booking with Option shall imply payment of the price by the Customer, pursuant to Article 6.5 of these T&C. 

Confirmation of the Vote / Booking with Option shall result in the allocation of a temporary slot for the Vote / Booking with Option on the Master Production Schedule. This slot shall only become permanent if the Customer converts his/her Vote / Booking with Option into an Order.


5.4.   Connectivity

Once the Customer has confirmed his/her Vote / Booking with Option, he/she shall be invited to authenticate himself/herself if he/she has not already done so on the Website, or to create an account as specified in Article 5 of these T&C. 

5.5.   Payment

Once authenticated on the Website upon confirmation of the Vote / Booking with Option, the Customer shall be redirected to the payment page. The Customer shall be requested to choose the payment method he/she wishes to use from among those proposed by REV VEHICLES (credit card or Paypal). The Customer can then proceed with payment of the Vote / Booking with Option by following the instructions on the Website. 

The Customer hereby guarantees REV VEHICLES that he/she has obtained all the authorizations required to use the chosen means of payment and to proceed with payment. 

REV VEHICLES shall take all necessary measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the payment methods offered and of the data transmitted online for the payment. 

Upon completion of payment of the Vote / Booking with Option, the Customer shall receive from REV VEHICLES: 

·       An email confirming the Vote / Booking with Option; 

·       An email confirming the payment made;

·       An e-mail containing the related invoice for the payment made. Customers can also access the invoice from their account on the Website. 


Where the Customer does not receive these e-mails, he/she should promptly contact REV VEHICLES via the contact details given in the preamble to these T&C and on the Website. 

The preliminary agreement between the Customer and REV VEHICLES shall not be considered to finalized until the e-mail confirming the Vote / Booking with Option has been sent to the customer and the full price has been received. 


5.6.   Converting the Vote / Booking with Option into an Order of the Customer’s choice

If the internal combustion engine vehicle model associated with the Vote / Booking with Option has received Homologation, REV VEHICLES shall notify the Customer by e-mail, specifying the main specifications of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion and its total price, subject to any applicable national and/or regional bonuses, as the case may be. Following this e-mail, the Customer shall have the possibility of: 

·       Either proceeding as a priority with the Order of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, for which the Vote / Booking with Option has been made, under the conditions specified in Article 8 of these T&C. In this instance, the temporary slot assigned by the Customer on the Master Production Schedule at the time of his/her Vote / Booking with Option shall be finalized at the time of placing the Order. Additionally, the price of the Vote / Booking with Option paid by the Customer shall be deducted from the price of the Order as mentioned in Article 8.5 of these T&C; or

·       Refusing to proceed with the Order for the Retrofit, for which the Vote / Booking with Option has been made. In this instance, the price paid by the Customer at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option shall be fully refunded to the Customer without any deduction within seven working days following the refusal, using the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option, unless the Customer expressly agrees to use a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer.

Should the Customer fail to take any action within one month following receipt of the e-mail notifying him/her of the homologation, he/she shall be deemed to have refused to proceed with the Order for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, for which the Vote / Booking with Option has been made. In this instance, the price paid by the Customer at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option shall be fully refunded to the Customer without any deduction within seven working days, using the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option, unless the Customer expressly agrees to use a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer.



6.1.   By the Customer

The Customer may cancel the Vote / Booking with Option at any time. In this instance, the Booking with Option shall be refunded fully without any deduction to REV VEHICLES. 

To cancel a Vote / Booking with Option, the Customer must email a cancellation request to REV VEHICLES at the following address:  clientservice@rev-mobilities.com

In the event of cancellation of the Vote / Booking with Option by the Customer:

·       REV VEHICLES shall acknowledge receipt of the Customer’s cancellation request by e-mail; 

·       REV VEHICLES shall fully refund the Vote / Booking with Option to the Customer without any deduction within seven working days following the acknowledgment of receipt, using the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option, unless the Customer expressly agrees to use a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer.



REV VEHICLES may cancel the Vote / Booking with Option where the Homologation of the internal combustion engine vehicle model associated with the Vote / Booking with Option has not been obtained or - at the very least - is not in progress within two years of confirmation of the Vote / Booking with Option. In this instance, the Vote / Booking with Option shall be refunded fully without any deduction to REV VEHICLES.


Cancellation of the Vote / Booking with Option by REV VEHICLES shall not entitle the Customer to any remedy or compensation. REV VEHICLES shall not be held liable in this respect.


In the event of cancellation of the Vote / Booking with Option by REV VEHICLES: 

·       REV VEHICLES shall notify the Customer of the cancellation of the Vote / Booking with Option by email; 

·       REV VEHICLES shall fully refund the Vote / Booking with Option to the Customer without any deduction within seven working days following the cancellation, using the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option, unless the Customer expressly agrees to use a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer.




7.1.   Confirming the Order

If the internal combustion engine vehicle model associated with the Vote / Booking with Option has received Homologation, REV VEHICLES shall notify the Customer by e-mail, specifying the main specifications of the retrofit / Electric Conversion and its total price, subject to any applicable national and/or regional bonuses, as the case may be. The Customer then has the option of confirming the Order for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, for which the Vote / Booking with Option has been made, if he/she so wishes, by clicking on the dedicated link in the e-mail to access the Order page. 

The Customer may also approach REV VEHICLES on the Website to order a Retrofit / Electric Conversion off the Website. Any order placed via this specific sales channel shall be governed by specific Terms and Conditions separate from these T&C. Mere contact between the Customer and REV VEHICLES in this regard shall not be construed as a Retrofit / Electric Conversion order.



7.2.   Order summary 

Once the Order has been confirmed, the Customer shall be requested to check his/her Order before confirming it. In this regard, the Customer shall access the Order summary, which shows the details of the Order and its price, subject to any applicable national and/or regional discounts, as the case may be. The Order Summary can be downloaded in PDF format. 

Before confirming the Order, the Customer must: 

·       Ensure that they have a vehicle that meets the eligibility requirements set out in Article 3 of these T&C, in order to qualify for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. 

·       Correct any errors in the Order; 

·       Select a payment method from those offered on the Website (cash or credit). 

The Customer shall then have the possibility to: 

·       Either confirm his/her Order by clicking on the “Order and pay” button; 

·       Or save the Order on the Website for [30] days, so that it can be retrieved at a subsequent date, without having to confirm it immediately; 

·       Or terminate the Order process before its finalization by leaving the Website or continuing to browse the Website freely. 


7.3.   Order confirmation 

By confirming his/her Order, the Customer shall be confirming that he/she has a vehicle that meets the eligibility requirements set out in Article 3 of these T&C, in order to qualify for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. 

Confirming the Order shall equally imply full acceptance of the T&C in their entirety and serve as proof of conclusion of the sales contract between the Customer and REV VEHICLES, for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. Accordingly, this second click shall be considered as an electronic signature. This signature shall be binding on the Customer in the same way as a handwritten signature, pursuant to Article 20 of these T&C. 

The sales contract between the Customer and REV VEHICLES for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall only be considered permanently concluded once the Order has been confirmed.

This is an Order with payment obligation, thereby meaning that confirmation of the Order shall imply payment of the full price by the Customer, pursuant to Article 8.5 of these T&C. 

Confirmation of the Order shall result in the allocation of a temporary slot for the Order on the Master Production Schedule. 


7.4.   Connectivity

Once the Customer has confirmed his/her Order, he/she shall be invited to authenticate himself/herself if he/she has not already done so on the Website, or to create an account as specified in Article 5 of these T&C. 

7.5.   Payment


7.5.1.Cash payment          Payment in installments

Where the Customer has chosen to pay for his/her Order in cash, payment shall be made in installments. Payment shall be made in four installments, free of charge, as follows: 



1st installment

2nd installment 

3rd installment

4th installment


One hundred and twenty euros (€120) excl. VAT

i.e., one hundred and fifty euros (€150) incl. VAT, representing the price of the Vote ./Booking with Option

25% of the total outstanding price

25% of the total outstanding price

50% of the total outstanding price

Due date

On the day of confirming the Order

Five months prior to dropping off the vehicle for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion 

One month prior to dropping off the vehicle for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion 

One week prior to dropping off the vehicle 

Means of payment

On the Website (credit card or Paypal)

Payment link sent by email (credit card, bank transfer or Paypal)

Payment link sent by email (credit card, bank transfer or Paypal)

Payment link sent by email (credit card, bank transfer or Paypal)


The price of the Vote / Booking with Option paid by the Customer shall be deducted from the price of the Order. Consequently, the Customer shall not be required to pay the amount representing the 1st installment, but only the three other installments. 

Upon confirmation of the Order, an e-mail shall be sent to the Customer reminding him/her of each of the due dates for each installment payable for the Order. In the event of non-payment or incomplete payment by the due date:

·       The customer shall pay REV VEHICLES a late payment penalty equal to three times the legal interest rate. The legal interest rate applied shall that in force on the day the Order is confirmed; 

·       REV VEHICLES reserves the right to suspend processing of the Order until full payment has been received. 


The Customer hereby guarantees REV VEHICLES that he/she has obtained all the authorizations required to use the chosen means of payment and to proceed with payment. 

REV VEHICLES shall take all necessary measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the payment methods offered and of the data transmitted online for the payment.          Payment of installments

At each of the due dates specified in Article of these T&C, the Customer shall receive a secure payment link by e-mail to make payment. The link shall be valid for seventy-two hours from the time it is sent by REV VEHICLES. The Customer must make payment within this time limit. Failure to do so by the Customer shall attract the late payment penalties mentioned in Article of these T&C, as well as suspension of processing of the Order by REV VEHICLES until the said payment has been received in full. 

Upon completion of each payment made, the Customer shall receive from REV VEHICLES: 

·       An email confirming the payment made;

·       An e-mail containing the related invoice for the payment made. Customers can also access the invoice from their account on the Website. In any event, neither the payment confirmation e-mail nor the Purchase Order shall be considered as an invoice.


Where the Customer does not receive these e-mails, he/she should contact REV VEHICLES via the contact details given in the preamble to these T&C and on the Website. 


7.5.2.Payment by credit

Should the Customer opt to pay for the Order by way of a loan, REV VEHICLES shall contact the Customer by e-mail to present its partnership with FINANCO, a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa. The Customer shall be under no obligation towards REV VEHICLES or FINANCO. More particularly, the Customer shall be free to apply for a loan from FINANCO if he/she wishes, or not to do so. FINANCO shall be free to accept or decline any credit application. Where applicable, the loan transaction shall not be governed by these T&C, but by separate terms and conditions to be notified to the Customer.

Where FINANCO rejects the loan application, the Customer shall be fully reimbursed for all payments made to date, without any deduction whatsoever for REV VEHICLES. In this instance, REV VEHICLES shall reimburse the Customer within seven working days following confirmation of nonexistence of a loan, by the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of placing the Order, unless the Customer expressly agrees to a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer. 

The sales contract between the Customer and REV VEHICLES for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall only be considered permanently concluded subject to obtaining the loan required to fully pay the price of the Rerofit / Electric Conversion ordered. 


7.6.   Verifying vehicle eligibility requirements 

REV VEHICLES shall perform a remote pre-inspection of the Customer’s vehicle to verify that it meets the eligibility requirements outlined in Article 3 of these T&C, in order to qualify for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. In this respect, REV VEHICLES shall request the following document from the Customer by e-mail:  

Request dates

Requested documents

On the day of confirming the Order

A scanned copy of the vehicle registration certificate (carte grise), which is also required to issue the Purchase Order. 

Two months from the Order confirmation date

Photos of the vehicle to assess its condition, with the subject thereof being specified in the e-mail sent to the Customer in this regard. 

Five months from the Order confirmation date

A scanned copy of a technical inspection report dated less than three months old. 


The Customer must provide REV VEHICLES with all the documents requested in a legible format. Otherwise, REV VEHICLES reserves the right to cancel the Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of these T&C. 

This remote pre-inspection shall neither take precedence over, nor replace, the technical inspection of the Customer’s vehicle eligibility requirements carried out at the time of dropping off the vehicle, pursuant to Article 10.1 of these T&C. 



8.1.   By the Customer 

The Order may be canceled by the Customer as follows:


Reasons for cancellation

Repaid amounts 

Before paying the 2nd installment

Full refund of payments made by the Customer to date (1st installment) without any deduction whatsoever for REV VEHICLES.

Before paying the 3rd installment

Partial refund of payments made by the customer to date (1st and 2nd installments) with a deduction for REV VEHICLES of an amount equal to 15% of these amounts.


Apart from these cases, the Customer shall not be able to cancel the Order once it has been confirmed. 

To cancel the Order, the Customer must email a cancellation request to REV VEHICLES at the following address: clientservice@rev-mobilities.com. The customer shall be requested to specify the reasons for the cancellation request.  

In the event of a request for cancellation of the Order by the Customer:

·       REV VEHICLES shall acknowledge receipt of the Customer’s cancellation request by e-mail; 

·       Once the cancellation request has been processed, REV VEHICLES shall notify the Customer of the action taken (acceptance or rejection) by e-mail; 

·       Where the cancellation request is accepted, REV VEHICLES shall refund the Customer within seven working days of acceptance of the cancellation, by the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of placing the Order, unless the Customer expressly agrees to a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer.



The Order may be canceled by REV VEHICLES as follows:


Reasons for cancellation

Repaid amounts 

The Customer refuses to provide the documents requested during the remote pre-inspection of the Customer’s eligibility pursuant to Article 8.6 of the T&C, or provides illegible documents.

Partial refund of payments made by the customer to date (1st installment) with a deduction for REV VEHICLES of an amount equal to 50% of these amounts.

The new battery or fuel cell electric drive system to be installed on the Customer’s vehicle is out of stock.

Full refund of payments made by the Customer to date without any deduction whatsoever for REV VEHICLES.

The customer fails to drop off the vehicle at the date, time and place agreed with REV VEHICLES, or the vehicle is dropped off by a third party without power of attorney.

Partial reimbursement of payments made by the Customer to date, with a deduction for REV VEHICLES equal to 50% of these payments.

The Customer’s vehicle does not meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 3 of these T&C

Partial reimbursement of payments made by the Customer to date, with a deduction for REV VEHICLES equal to 50% of these payments.

The vehicle presented on the day it is dropped off is not the vehicle associated with the Order

Partial reimbursement of the payments made by the Customer with a deduction for REV VEHICLES of an amount equal to 50% of these payments.


Refusal by REV VEHICLES to perform the Retrofit / Electric Conversion for the reasons outlined hereinabove shall not entitle the Customer to any recourse or compensation. REV VEHICLES shall not be held liable in this respect.

The Customer shall not request cancellation of the Order where it has already been canceled by REV VEHICLES.


In the event of cancellation of the Order by REV VEHICLES: 

·       REV VEHICLES shall notify the Customer of the cancelled Order by e-mail, stating the reasons for the same; 

·       REV VEHICLES shall reimburse the Customer within seven working days following cancellation, by the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of placing the Order, unless the Customer expressly agrees to a different means. In any event, this refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer.




9.1.   Dropping off the vehicle associated with the Retrofit / Electric Conversion 


9.2.1.Vehicle drop-off date 

At the time of confirming the Order by the Customer, REV VEHICLES shall assign a date, time and location for the Customer’s vehicle to be dropped off for the Retrofit /Electric Conversion.

In order to ensure that the Customer is available, REV VEHICLES hereby agrees to contact the Customer directly to confirm the date, time and location of the vehicle drop-off for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. At the end of this interaction, a confirmation shall be emailed to the Customer with a summary of this information. 

9.2.2.Vehicle drop-off location 

The Customer hereby agrees to drop off the vehicle or have it dropped off - at its own expense - on the date, at the time and at the location agreed with REV VEHICLES, unless REV VEHICLES offers to do so at its own expense, considering the location of the REV VEHICLES-certified workshop selected. As the case may be, only the Customer or a third party with power of attorney from the customer shall be authorized to drop off the vehicle. 

Where a third party drops off the vehicle on behalf of the Customer, he/she must be able to present the following at the time of drop-off: 

·       A letter of power of attorney dated and signed by the Customer, authorizing the third party to drop off the vehicle; 

·       A photocopy of the Customer’s identification document; 

·       A photocopy of the third party’s identification document; 

In the absence of these documents, REV VEHICLES may decline to allow the third party to drop off the vehicle and shall promptly notify the Customer. In this instance, the Customer reserves the right to cancel the Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of these T&C.

Should the Customer fail to drop off the vehicle on the date, at the time and the location agreed, REV VEHICLES shall not be bound to respect the deadline for acceptance of the said vehicle. In the event of disagreement, the confirmation email sent by REV VEHICLES to the Customer specifying the vehicle drop-off date, time and location shall serve as proof, pursuant to Article 20 of these T&C.

Where the vehicle dropped off is not the vehicle associated with the Order, REV VEHICLES reserves the right to cancel the Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of these T&C. 

9.2.3.Vehicle drop-off report

The vehicle drop-off shall be recorded in a drop-off report, dated and signed in two copies by the Customer or the third party with power of attorney. 


The drop-off report shall formalize the acceptance of the vehicle by the REV VEHICLES-certified workshop for the purpose of carrying out the Electric Conversion Service. 


In order to prepare the drop-off report, the REV VEHICLES-certified workshop shall perform a technical inspection of eligibility requirements of the Customer’s vehicle as outlined in Article 3 of these T&C. More particularly, the REV VEHICLES-certified workshop shall perform the checks required under the REV VEHICLES “Ready For Retrofit” program. REV VEHICLES reserves the right to have the vehicle appraised to determine its compatibility with the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, with the costs being borne by the Customer in the event of an unfavorable opinion.

Where the Customer’s vehicle does not meet the eligibility requirements set out in Article 3 of these T&C, he/she shall not qualify for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. In this instance, REV VEHICLES reserves the right to cancel the Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of these T&C.


REV VEHICLES shall not under any circumstances be held responsible for the condition of the Customer’s vehicle at the time of drop-off, including any deterioration or damage to the vehicle suffered prior to drop-off. 


The REV VEHICLES-certified workshop may offer to recondition the Customer’s vehicle if it is damaged or deteriorated. This additional service is not covered by these T&C and must be covered by a separate quotation and/or contract from these T&C. 

9.2.5.Vehicle custody

During the period of the Retrofit Electric Conversion, REV VEHICLES hereby agrees to ensure that the Customer’s vehicle is properly stored in an appropriate and secure environment. As custodian of the vehicle, REV VEHICLES shall only be bound by an obligation of means in this respect. In the event of loss or damage to the Customer’s vehicle, REV VEHICLES shall be discharged from its liability by proving that such loss or damage is due to a cause beyond its control. 

9.2.6.Reuse of removed parts

Unless otherwise specified by the Customer at the time of vehicle drop-off, the Customer agrees to the recycling of the vehicle’s internal combustion engine and all other parts removed during the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. These operations shall be carried out by REV VEHICLES partner companies, which are part of an official, certified re-use network. These operations shall not incur any additional costs for the Customer, nor any remuneration for the Customer. 

Should the Customer wish to keep the removed parts, an estimate shall be sent to the Customer to cover the costs of packaging, shipping and/or storage of the related parts, as this is an additional service not included in the price of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion. 

In any event, REV VEHICLES shall not be held responsible should these returned parts be unsuitable for re-use by the Customer.

9.3.   Acceptance of the vehicle upon completion of Retrofit / Electric Conversion 


9.3.1.Vehicle acceptance arrangements

Unless otherwise specified, the place of receipt of the Customer’s vehicle shall be the vehicle drop-off location. The Customer hereby agrees to collect the vehicle within three working days of its drop-off. 

Should the Customer fail to collect the vehicle within the agreed time, REV VEHICLES reserves the right to: 

·       Charge the Customer a custody fee. 

·       Take any legal action it shall deem necessary to remedy this situation, including sale of the Customer’s vehicle by public auction under the terms and conditions laid down by the laws and regulations in force.


Only the Customer or a third party with power of attorney from the customer shall be authorized to accept the vehicle. 

Where a third party accepts the vehicle on behalf of the Customer, he/she must be able to present the following at the time of acceptance: 

·       A letter of power of attorney dated and signed by the Customer, authorizing the third party to accept the vehicle; 

·       A photocopy of the Customer’s identification document; 

·       A photocopy of the third party’s identification document; 

In the absence of these documents, REV VEHICLES may decline to allow the third party to accept the vehicle and shall promptly notify the Customer accordingly. In this instance, REV VEHICLES reserves the right to charge to the Customer a custody fee.

Acceptance report

The vehicle acceptance by the Customer shall be recorded in a drop-off report, dated and signed in two copies by the Customer or the third party with power of attorney. 


In order to prepare the vehicle acceptance report, the REV VEHICLES-certified workshop shall perform the following technical operations: 

·       Start- the vehicle; 

·       Demonstrate a mechanical action; 

·       Operate the human-machine interface;

·       Demonstrate charging procedures; 

·       Provide the Customer with a user manual and a maintenance manual (digital or paper); 



Upon completion of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, the Customer shall be responsible for regular maintenance of the vehicle, following the instructions in the maintenance manual issued at the time of accepting the vehicle.

By signing the acceptance report, the Customer acknowledges proper performance of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion by REV VEHICLES. Acceptance of the vehicle shall imply acceptance by the Customer of any apparent defect or lack of conformity, for which no reservations have been expressed. 


9.3.2.Risk transfer

The risks related to the vehicle, including inter alia loss or deterioration, shall be transferred to the Customer at the time of acceptance of the vehicle by the latter, as formalized by the signing of the acceptance report. 


Pursuant to the legal provisions in force, the Customer shall have no right of withdrawal in respect of the Order, insofar as that the Retrofit / Electric Conversion  is completed before the end of the withdrawal period with the Customer’s consent (Art. L. 221-28, 1° of French Consumer Code), the Retrofit / Electric Conversion is based on goods made to the Customer’s specifications or clearly personalized (Art. L. 221-28, 3° of French Consumer Code) and/or the Retrofit /  Electric Conversion is based on goods inseparably mixed with other products (Art. L. 221-28, 6° of French Consumer Code).


The new battery or fuel cell electric drive system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Retrofit /  Electric Conversion shall comply with the laws and regulations in force, as well as with the Customer’s Order.

The new battery or fuel cell electric drive system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall, by operation of law and without additional payment, qualify for the following pursuant to the legal provisions:

·       The legal warranty of conformity for defective, spoiled or damaged products, or products not conforming to the Order, under the terms and conditions outlined out in Articles L. 211-4 et seq. of the French Consumer Code;

·       The legal warranty against latent defects arising from a material, design or manufacturing defect affecting the products, thereby making them unfit for use under the terms and conditions outlined in Articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code; 

·       The legal warranty for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion  under the terms and conditions outlined in Article 3 of the Decree of March 13, 2020 laying down the requirements for converting vehicles with internal combustion engines to battery or fuel cell electric motors,  or any other legislative or regulatory provision that replaces, supplements or complements it.


As a seller of Retrofit / Electric Conversion, REV VEHICLES shall be bound by these legal warranties with respect to the components of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer’s vehicle in delivering the Retrofit / Electric Conversion.


In contrast, REV VEHICLES shall not be bound by any warranty for all other components of the Customer’s vehicle, including inter alia mechanical components, interior equipment, bodywork components, and all other parts and accessories of the Customer’s vehicle. 


As an exception to the foregoing, REV VEHICLES shall not be bound by the legal warranty of conformity and the legal warranty against latent defects with respect to the Business Customer under the terms and conditions laid down by the laws and regulations in force. 


11.1.                Statutory basis


11.1.1.  Legal warranty of conformity 

Article L. 217-4 of the French Consumer Code: “The seller shall be required to deliver goods in conformity with the contract and shall therefore be liable for any non-conformity existing at the time of delivery. The seller shall also be liable for any non-conformity arising from the packaging, assembly instructions or installation where the seller is contractually responsible for same or where these were performed under the latter’s responsibility.” ...

Article L. 217-5 of the French Consumer Code: “In order to be contractually compliant, the good must: 

·       Be fit for the purpose normally expected of similar goods and, where applicable: 

-  Match the description provided by the seller and possess the same attributes presented by the seller to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;

-  Have the attributes that a buyer may legitimately expect, in light of public statements made by the seller, the producer or the latter’s representative, particularly in advertising or labeling; or

-  Have the characteristics defined by mutual consent between the parties, or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, notified to the seller and accepted by the latter. ...

Article L. 217-12 of the French Consumer Code: “Any action brought on account of a non-conformity shall be time-barred after two years from the date of delivery of the goods. ...

Article L. 217-16 of the French Consumer Code: “Where the buyer calls on the seller, during the period of the commercial warranty granted to the buyer at the time of acquiring or repairing a movable good, to perform a repair covered by the warranty, any downtime of at least seven days shall be added to the remaining warranty period. This period shall run from the date of the buyer’s request for service or from the date the item in question is made available for repair, where the item is made available after the request for service.” ...

11.1.2.  Legal warranty against latent defects

Article 1641 of the French Civil Code: “The seller shall be liable for any latent defects in the item sold which render it unfit for its intended use, or which so diminish such use that the buyer would not have purchased same, or would have paid a lower price for same, had he been aware of such defects. ...

Article 1648-1 of the French Civil Code: “Any action arising on account of a redhibitory defect must be brought by the buyer within two years of discovery of such defect”.

11.1.3.  Legal warranty for Retrofit / Electric Conversion 

According to Article 3 of the Order of March 13, 2020 laying down the terms and conditions for converting vehicles with internal combustion engines to battery electric or fuel cell engines: “The manufacturer shall guarantee maintenance of the integrity of all components of the vehicle converted with an electric conversion device that it markets. The manufacturer assumes responsibility for any damage to all parts of the converted vehicle, and for any parts likely to be in contact with, or damaged by, all or part of the electric conversion device”.

11.2.                Application of legal warranties 

By way of reminder, the legal warranty of conformity provides that the Customer shall: 

·       Have a period of two years from the date of acceptance of the vehicle to take action against REV VEHICLES; 

·       May choose between repair or replacement of the products installed during the Service, subject to the cost requirements stated in Article L. 217-9 of the French Consumer Code;

·       Exempted from providing proof of existence of a non-conformity of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Retrofit / Electric Conversion for a period of two years from the date of acceptance of the vehicle.


The legal warranty of conformity shall apply notwithstanding any applicable commercial warranty. 


The Customer may decide to invoke the warranty against latent defects within the meaning of Article 1641 of the French Civil Code within two years of discovery of the defect. In this instance, the Customer may choose between canceling the sale or reducing the purchase price, pursuant to Article 1644 of the French Civil Code.


The duration of the legal warranty for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion shall be equal to three years from the date of acceptance of the vehicle by the Customer, subject to other legal periods being applied pursuant to the laws and regulations in force.

In order to exercise his/her his rights, the Customer must notify REV VEHICLE in writing: 

  • Either directly on the Website via the contact form
  • Or by email: clientservice@rev-mobilities.com
  • Or by post: REV VEHICLES, 96 rue de Lourmel – 75015. 

specifying the legal warranty that he/she intends to invoke. Where applicable, REV VEHICLES shall repair, replace or reimburse the components of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer’s vehicle in delivering the Retrofit / Electric Conversion.. 

Refunds for components of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer’s vehicle that are found to be non-compliant or defective shall be made as soon as possible. Where the need arises, REV VEHICLES shall make the refund by the same means of payment as that used by the Customer at the time of placing the Order, unless the Customer expressly agrees to a different means. In any event, such refund shall not incur any costs for the Customer. 


The aforementioned legal warranties shall not apply in the following cases: 

a)     Where the defect or fault is inherent in a repair or maintenance service performed at the Customer’s request on his/her vehicle by a repairer not belonging to the REV VEHICLES-certified network, insofar as it is proven that the technical recommendations of REV VEHICLES, whatever they may be, have not been complied with and/or that the work performed by this independent repairer actually caused the defect or fault. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the warranty shall apply if the Customer provides proof of a defect or fault affecting the new battery or fuel cell electric drive system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Retrofit / Electric Conversion; 

b)     Where during the period of the legal warranties, the components of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Electric Conversion Service have been replaced by products of inferior quality and/or not manufactured in accordance with REV VEHICLES specifications and standards, by maintenance and repair services outside the REV VEHICLES network; 

c)     Where during the period of the legal warranties, the components of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Retrofit / Electric Conversion have been replaced by spare parts of equivalent quality but that fall short of the quality level of the corresponding part of the vehicle in question, by maintenance and repair services outside the REV VEHICLES network.


In cases b) and c), the exclusion shall only apply if it can be proven that the replaced parts are of inferior quality or have not been manufactured according to REV VEHICLES specifications and standards.

d)     Where the damage is due to lack of care and maintenance, negligence or inexperience, use of the products in abnormal conditions or prolonged disuse, competition (e.g. rally, raid), or where the damage arises from an accident: rally, raid), or overloading, even temporary, on the part of the Customer or any other user of the vehicle that has undergone the Retrofit / Electric Conversion and/or incorrect adjustment or modification not authorized by the vehicle’s original manufacturer or REV VEHICLES, damage caused by an external cause (e.g., accident, impact, scratches, shocks, scratches, projections of gravel or solid bodies, hail, acts of vandalism, damage caused by rodents, fallouts of atmospheric pollution, plant fallout, animal fallout such as bird droppings), following the installation of accessories not approved by the original manufacturer or REV VEHICLES, installed without respecting the recommendations defined by the latter.



In the event of a vehicle breakdown involving the new battery or fuel cell electric drive system installed on the Customer’s vehicle during the Electric Conversion Service, the Customer shall receive from specific assistance free of charge.

A “breakdown” shall be understood to mean any failure directly related to the electrical power train of the Customer’s vehicle that falls within the scope of the legal warranty for the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, thereby making it impossible for the Customer to use his/her vehicle under normal safety conditions.

More specifically, the following shall be excluded from the definition of “Breakdown”: 

  • Complete discharge of the vehicle’s batteries as a result of the Customer’s inattention; 
  • Tire punctures; 
  • Maintenance operations (periodic or otherwise), inspections, servicing, fitting of accessories, replacement of wearing parts and downtime arising from scheduled operations; 
  • Loss of keys, accidents, theft and paintwork; 
  • Systematic recall campaigns for series of vehicles by the original manufacturer or REV VEHICLES; 
  • Any other external event affecting the vehicle but unrelated to the Retrofit / Electric Conversion.


In any event, assistance shall be limited to the replacement or reimbursement of the components of the new battery or fuel cell electric motorization system installed on the Customer's vehicle affected by a defect or fault. Assistance shall be offered to the Customer for a period of two years, with no mileage limit, from the date of acceptance of the vehicle by the Customer. 

In the case of a vehicle with a heavy-duty internal combustion engine, the Customer is hereby informed that assistance shall be limited to breakdown and towing services.

REV VEHICLES reserves the right to subcontract this assistance to one or more members of its network of certified repairers. Where applicable, REV VEHICLES hereby agrees to provide the Customer with the contact details of these certified repairers. Any assistance that does not fall within the scope of this Article shall give rise to additional charges in accordance with the quotation and/or separate contract applicable and independent of the present T&C. 


REV VEHICLES shall use several subcontractors to perform Retrofit / Electric Conversion, including REV VEHICLES-certified workshops. In this regard, REV VEHICLES shall be responsible to the Customer for the proper performance of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion entrusted to subcontractors.



REV VEHICLES shall not be held responsible or liable for any delayed performance or non-performance of the Retrofit / Electric Conversion owing to:

·       Non-performance or poor performance of contractual obligations attributable to the Customer; 

·       Non-Certification of the internal combustion engine vehicle model associated with the Booking with Option or the Order, as the case may be, which shall be the sole responsibility of the competent authority; 

·       Non-compliance with the legislation of the country in which the Retrofit / Electric Conversion is provided, which the Customer shall be responsible for checking before making the Booking with Option or placing the Order, as the case may be; 

·       More generally, in the event of misuse, negligence or lack of maintenance on the part of the Customer, as well as in the event of normal wear and tear, accident or force majeure as understood under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code. 

Where applicable, REV VEHICLES shall not be liable for any indirect damage suffered by the Customer, such as - but not limited to - loss of earnings, loss of profits or revenue, loss of opportunities or loss of anticipated savings.

In the case of an Order placed by a Business Customer, REV VEHICLES’ liability shall be limited to an amount equivalent to one time the total amount of the Order, excluding VAT. 


The Customer and REV VEHICLES shall not be held liable if the non-performance or delayed performance of any of their obligations under these T&C is due to force majeure as understood under Article 1218 of the French Civil Code, or to exceptional health or climatic hazards beyond their control. 

The Customer and REV VEHICLES expressly agree that any resurgence or measures related to a pandemic or epidemic, which are likely to have a significant impact on the time required to carry out and/or accept the Retrofit / Electric Conversion, shall also be considered as force majeure.

The party affected by the force majeure shall promptly notify the other party by any means and shall do everything in its power to avoid, reduce or eliminate the causes of the delay and resume performance of its obligations as soon as the case of force majeure invoked has disappeared.

Should the force majeure continue for a period of more than one month, the Vote/ Booking with Option or the Order, as the case may be, may be canceled by either party by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt under the respective conditions set out in Articles 7 and 9 of these T&C.



In the event of a change in unforeseeable circumstances at the time of the Vote / Booking with Option or the Order, as the case may be, pursuant to the provisions of Article 1195 of the French Civil Code, the party - the Customer or REV VEHICLES - that has not agreed to assume the risk of excessively onerous performance may approach the other party to renegotiate the contract.



Any amendment to the laws and regulations in force or any decision of a competent court invalidating one or more clauses of these T&C shall not affect the validity of the entire T&C. Any such amendment or ruling shall in no way whatsoever authorize the Customer to disregard the valid provisions of these T&C.


REV VEHICLES reserves the right to amend and update the T&C at any time. The applicable T&C shall be those available on the Website and accepted by the Customer at the time of confirming the Vote / Booking with Option or the Order, as the case may be. 

This version of the T&C shall replace all previous versions.


The Customer and REV VEHICLES hereby acknowledge that they are fully aware that all documents, including contractual documents such as these T&C, exchanged between them have been digitized by REV VEHICLES to ensure that the digitized version is in perfect conformity with the original and that it is faithfully and durably preserved in its entirety. The same shall apply to data recorded in the REV VEHICLES computer system, which shall serve as proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer. In particular, the computerized registers, kept securely in REV VEHICLES’ computer systems, shall be considered as proof of the Vote / Booking with Option or the Order where applicable, of payments made by the Customer and of communications between REV VEHICLES and the Customer where applicable. REV VEHICLES’ archiving of the Purchase Order and invoices on a reliable and durable medium may also be presented as proof. The customer and REV VEHICLES hereby agree that any document having been handled in such manner or kept accordingly shall constitute literal proof and carry the same evidentiary value. The same shall apply to any electronic mail exchanged between them.

By accepting the T&C, the Customer hereby agrees not to contest the evidentiary value of documents produced online, particularly the sales contract, on the basis of their digital nature. 

The Customer’s acceptance of these T&C shall result in the conclusion of an agreement on evidence as understood under Article 1368 of the French Civil Code.

In the absence of proof to the contrary recognized as valid by a competent court, any of the aforementioned digitized documents, as well as any e-mail exchanged between the Customer and REV VEHICLES, shall be enforceable not only against them but also against any third party with the same evidentiary value as a written document on paper. 


The Website and all its constituent features or features made available to the Customer, particularly trademarks, logos, photographs, programs, source codes, object codes, data, databases, images whether animated or not, sounds, drawings, graphics, videos, texts, layout, appearance, structure, as well as any other element not linked to hypertext links to third-party sites, shall be the property of REV VEHICLES or be covered by a license issued to it by any holder of intellectual property rights. 

All of these features shall be governed by the provisions of French and international regulations applicable to intellectual property, particularly the Intellectual Property Code, and shall therefore be protected against any unauthorized use by law or by these T&C, under penalty of prosecution in the event of non-compliance. 

REV VEHICLES  shall grant the Customer a personal, non-exclusive and free right to consult and use the Website and its services for its own use and strictly for operations authorized under the terms of these T&C. 

Subject to the rights of use granted to the Customer by REV VEHICLES, use of the Website and its services shall not imply granting any license or transferring any rights over the features of the Website to the Customer. More particularly, any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification or distribution of all or part of the Site or its contents, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, shall be unlawful without the prior, express and written consent of REV VEHICLES or the holder of the intellectual property rights.

Failure to comply with these requirements, particularly for commercial purposes, may give rise to legal action for infringement and/or unfair competition and/or parasitism on the part of holders of the rights in question. This shall be without prejudice to any other rights of REV VEHICLES, particularly that of claiming compensation for any losses incurred.


REV VEHICLES reserves the right to temporarily or permanently interrupt access to all or part of the Website and the services offered therein, particularly in the event of cessation of the business for which the Website has been provided, or in the event of insolvency proceedings. In this instance, Votes / Bookings with Option and Orders in progress shall be processed pursuant to the law in force.


Subject to the laws and regulations in force, the Customer hereby agrees that these T&C binding him/her to REV VEHICLES may be assigned, transferred or offered as a contribution in any manner whatsoever. In the event of transfer of the company to a third party, these T&C binding the customer to REV VEHICLES shall automatically be transferred to the transferee.


These T&C shall be written in French. Should they be translated into one or more languages, only the French version shall be considered authentic in the event of a dispute. 



These T&C and the operations arising therefrom shall be governed, interpreted and applied according to French law.

In the event of a dispute over their interpretation or implementation, REV VEHICLES and the Customer shall seek an amicable settlement prior to taking any legal action, and shall provide each other with all necessary information in this regard. 

24.1.                Dispute between REV VEHICLES and a Business Customer 

Failing an amicable agreement between REV VEHICLES and the Business Customer within two months of notification of the dispute to the other party, jurisdiction is expressly given to the Commercial Court of Paris to hear the matter. 

24.2.                Dispute between REV VEHICLES and an Individual Customer

The Individual Customer is hereby informed of the possibility of resorting, in the event of a dispute, to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method. Pursuant to the provisions of the French Consumer Code on the amicable settlement of disputes, REV VEHICLES hereby subscribes to the Service du Médiateur, CNPM Mediation whose contact details are as follows: 

27, avenue de la Libération
42400 Saint-Chamond
Téléphone : +33 (0)9 88 30 27 72

After prior written notification by the Individual Customer to REV VEHICLES, the Service du Médiateur may be approached for any unsettled consumer dispute. For information on how to refer matters to the Mediator, the Individual Customer is requested to access the following page: https://cnpm-mediation-consommation.eu

The Individual Customer may also file complaints on the online dispute settlement platform set up by the European Commission at the following address: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. The European Commission shall transfer the Individual Customer’s complaint to the duly notified competent national mediators. 

Failing an amicable agreement between REV VEHICLES and the Individual Customer within two months of notification of the dispute to the other party, jurisdiction shall be expressly given to the French courts acting under common law principles.