On Monday 21 October 2024, at the 10th ‘Paris Shop & Design’ awards organised by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), and in the presence of their presidents Dominique Restino and Soumia Malinbaum, REV Mobilities was presented with this prize in the ‘culture & service’ category for the most beautiful examples of commercial architecture in Paris.
As a reminder, our REV Lab, which employs around twenty people and is located in the15th arrondissement of Paris (96, rue de Lourmel), is a hybrid space that is both :
- a showcase for technology promoting retrofitting in general
- REV Mobilities headquarters
- office for the REV Mobilities technical, digital and sales teams
- electrical conversion workshop
- conference and training centre - incubator
Initially a former Saab traditional mechanics garage, it was redesigned in 2022 in collaboration with the CORE Architectures and STUDIOKOKUMI teams.